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Travel Medicine

Travel is exciting, but when you explore other areas of the world, there’s a risk of health consequences. Travel medicine supports your health and wellness and is among the services available from Ayu Kebede, MSN, APN, A-GNP-C, and Belen Assemu, MSN, APN, FNP-C, of Advance Healthcare Associates in Oakhurst, New Jersey. If you’re planning to travel abroad, call the office to schedule a travel medicine visit, or book an appointment online.

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Travel Medicine Q&A


What is travel medicine?

Travel medicine is an area of medical practice focused on reducing the risk of illness and injury when you travel to other parts of the nation or the world. If you’re planning a trip, especially international travel, it’s a good idea to schedule a visit with a travel medicine practitioner. 


A risk assessment is a central part of preparing for travel. Your practitioner gets to know your specific health needs and uses that information to create a customized treatment plan.


For example, if you’re diabetic, you need to know how to gain access to your medications during trips abroad. It’s also important to learn how you can manage your diabetes on your own, without easy access to Advance Healthcare Associates. The team is always here to help when needed, but there are limits to what can be accomplished remotely.


How do I know if I need vaccines for travel?

Understanding which vaccines are best suited for various parts of the world isn’t always easy. If your travel plans involve moving through more than one region, things can become even more complicated.


Your travel medicine practitioner has access to the latest health guidance when it comes to vaccines. You can rely on your provider to fill any gaps in your vaccination record and make sure you’re fully protected against infectious disease in the areas where you plan to spend time. 


What are some health issues I might encounter while traveling?

This is a simple question with a complex answer. The health issues you’re likely to face change from one nation and region to the next. 


Digestive distress is a common problem among travelers. Even when drinking water is clean and high quality food is available, the simple fact remains that travel exposes you to organisms your system hasn’t had a chance to become familiar with. Travelers’ diarrhea medicine can help and is something you may want to have on hand.


In certain parts of the world, issues like malaria continue to be a serious health concern. Knowing how to take steps to avoid exposure to these kinds of conditions can go a long way toward reducing your risk of harm. You also learn how to gain access to medications like malaria drugs and other therapies.


If you’re ready to come in for your own travel health consulting visit, call the office to book an appointment. Online scheduling is also an option and takes just moments to complete.

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